Human trafficking is a significant issue in the U.S. and worldwide. Human trafficking victims are often concealed by their traffickers. This place residential professionals in a unique position to recognize the signs and risk factors of human trafficking and take steps if they suspect a person may be a victim of human trafficking. The goal of this course is to provide staff with critical steps to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
Course is designed and approved to meet Community Care Licensing requirements toward re- certification for a GH, ARF and STRTP Administrator certificate.
GH Vendor:2000682-730-2: Approved Course: 682-0141-35699
STRTP Vendor:2000682-733-2: Approved Course: 682-0141-35700
ARF Vendor:2000682-735-2: Approved Course: 682-0141-35698
NOTE: Once paid the username and password to this class will be e-mail to you.